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Cockers on Crete

Peaches the Cat ….

…... is the oldest 4 legged member of our family. She has the most wonderful personality, loving and gentle and very tolerant of naughty cockers. She’s the “boss”, of course!

We think she is about 10 or 11 years old – but looks and acts soo much younger. She came home with us in 2006 when we collected Alfie (Its not just Tesco that has BOGOF offers).

She was a farm cat, but even all those years ago you could tell that she wanted love and affection. We had no intention of bringing home a cat with the puppy – but these things happen.!

She loved us and her new life immediately – she had the freedom to hunt in the fields but also the comfort of sleeping by the AGA in the kitchen. She did her job beautifully – no more mice in our house!!!

She has used up 3 of her 9 lives – but we hope and pray that the rest of her long life will be uneventful.

She travelled from the UK to Crete with us in the car with Alfie and was as good as gold.

She really is just the purrrrrrr-fect pussycat.

She will, of course, be coming back to the UK with us in the Summer of 2014.